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Article 370: How Kashmir Inspires Bollywood to Break Stereotypes


Bollywood has a long history of making movies on Kashmir, but most of them have been either biased or superficial, failing to capture the true essence of the valley and its people. However, there is one film that stands out from the crowd and sets a new benchmark for Kashmir-centric movies: “Article 370”. This movie boasts an impressive 8.7/10 IMDb rating.

Article 370 Synopsis

Released in 2024, “Article 370” is a riveting cinematic journey that unravels the complex and controversial issue of the abrogation of Article 370, which granted special status to Jammu and Kashmir. Starring the talented duo of Yami Gautam and Priyamani, the film is directed by Shahbaz, who has done extensive research and ground work to present a realistic and balanced view of the Kashmir conflict.


Unlike other Bollywood movies that have portrayed Kashmir as either a paradise or a hell, “Article 370” shows the valley as it is: a beautiful but troubled land, where people have suffered for decades due to political turmoil, violence, and corruption. The film does not shy away from showing the harsh realities of the region, such as the plight of the Kashmiri Pandits, the rise of militancy, the human rights violations, and the role of the local leaders and the central government.


However, the film also does not resort to propaganda or sensationalism, as it tries to understand the different perspectives and emotions of the people involved in the conflict. The film draws inspiration from real events and characters, such as the 2016 Uri attack, the 2019 Pulwama attack, the 2019 Balakot airstrike, and the 2019 abrogation of Article 370. The film also references the controversial documentary “The Kashmir Files,” which exposed the genocide of the Kashmiri Pandits.

Plot of Article 370

Article 370 Movie

The film follows the story of Zuni Haksar (Yami Gautam Dhar), an intelligence officer who is assigned to a secret mission to dismantle the conflict economy and combat terrorism in Kashmir, just before the implementation of the abrogation of Article 370. She is assisted by Rajeshwari Swaminathan (Priyamani), the joint secretary at the Prime Minister’s Office, who is the brain behind the historic decision. Together, they face many challenges and dangers, as they try to restore peace and harmony in the valley.

Screenplay and Action

The film boasts of a brilliant screenplay, written by Aditya Dhar, Aditya Suhas Jambhale, Arjun Dhawan, and Monal Thakar, which keeps the audience hooked and intrigued throughout. The film also has some stunning action sequences, which are executed with finesse and realism. The film also has some emotional moments, which touch the hearts of the viewers.


The film is also blessed with some stellar performances, especially by Yami Gautam and Priyamani, who deliver career-best performances as Zuni and Rajeshwari. They portray their characters with conviction and grace, showing their courage, intelligence, and compassion. They also share a great chemistry, which adds to the charm of the film. The film also has some impressive supporting actors, such as Arun Govil, Kiran Karmarkar, and Raj Jhutshi, who play their roles with authenticity and flair.

Cinematography and Music

Article 370

The film is also a visual treat, as it showcases the scenic beauty of Kashmir, as well as the gritty reality of the region. The cinematography, by Anay Goswamy, is stunning and captivating, capturing the mood and the atmosphere of the film. The music, by Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy, is also soothing and soulful, complementing the theme and the tone of the film.


The film is also a commendable effort by the director, Shahbaz, who has shown his vision and skill in making a film that is not only entertaining but also enlightening. He has managed to strike a perfect balance between art and commerce, making a film that is both commercially successful and critically acclaimed. He has also shown his courage and honesty, by making a film that does not take sides or preach, but rather invites the audience to think and reflect on the issue of Kashmir.


To conclude, “Article 370” is a film that challenges the clichés of Bollywood’s Kashmir movies, and raises the bar for the genre. It is a film that is not only a cinematic marvel, but also a social and political critique, that informs, inspires, and engages the audience. It is a film that merits to be seen and valued by everyone, as it is a film that reveals the reality of Kashmir.

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